Sponsored Post Guidelines | robot vacuum News
Don’t be a fool, Don’t send us your article for review until and unless you follow these guidelines. Even, following these guidelines will help you to achieve your ranking too.
Checklist to follow before Submitting Sponsored Post:
“Write what should not be forgotten”
Purchasing 1000s of the guest post and writing 800 words article is something everyone does for their branding but can you do research based long article and that’s too with infographics and for sponsored post?
If yes, you won the game for your company.
To make your content outstanding, start focusing on following checklist:
“Feel the words of your article and then Write!” – Navn Gupta
- Add thought provoking questionswithin your article and if you start with thought provoking question, that could be a better idea to start an article.
- Use Anecdote(A short story that makes your content engaging that anyone love to comment.)
- Metaphor and Simile– Yes, a 6th standard terms that help your content to be an outstanding.
- Facts & Figuresthat add authority to your article.
- Add Relevant images, personalize experience and footage video(if it’s the demand of content) inside the article.
- Add Sense of Humour! Are you serious about posting article in robot vacuum News?
- Even, You can add memes within your article.
- Readabilitymatters alot to each and every user and that’s where we need to keep our paragraph short and crispy. Paragraph shouldn’t be of more than 4 lines.
- Even, Proper headings and formattinghelps you to make your content readable.
- Your article must be a bridge between robot vacuum News and your website. In short, a relevancy is required to publish guest post.
Even, If you follow 5 checklist out of these 10 guidelines, You are good to go.
Now, it’s time to know – what type of article you could write for us!
Topic to Choose from Before Writing Article for Smartwatch Guide News
As, we are news based website, you can write any article from home improvements to arts, from technology to automobile industry, from apps to games and so on…!
But if you want to see the main areas where we focus:
- Technology
- Gaming
- Top Trends
- Travel
- Tv Shows, web series,
- Health
- News
- Fashion
- Entertainment
- And so on…
SEO Guidelines Before Submitting Guest Post | TNB
What to Follow in SEO Before Sending Article for Submission?
- If you’re sending your author bio along with the Guest Posts, make sure it’s short & sweet. In general, write about you in 200 characters.
- Blog Post length should be of at least 800 words.
- Add focus keyword in the 1st paragraph.
- Add supporting keywords in the middle paragraphs.
- Add at least 2 internal links.
- A blog post must have 1-2 links to credible publications.
- Add at least 2 HD quality images – 1 for the featured image & other one in-between the content.
- Our editorial staff reserves to right to add rel=”nofollow” to any link except the sponsored link.
- Follow SEO Best Practices
- HTML formatting related to bulleted lists, headers, bolding, etc.
- Add alt tags for any images used in the blog post.
- The title should be between 50-60 Words.
- Add Headers in H2 tags and sub-headers in H3 and H4 tags.
- Add Call-to-Action at the end of the article.
What To Avoid?
- Avoid images that have a brand, logo, or external links displayed on them.
- Avoid keyword stuffing.
- Avoid adding too many links in the blog post.
- Article should not be copiedfrom any other website.
- Avoid adding factuallyincorrect information.
- Avoid grammatical mistakes.
For all the Guest Post related queries, you can contact us on our official email-id: freomedia@gmail.com
Advance Search Queries to Find Guest Posting Websites
If you are stuck, don’t know about lot of footprints. Here is the list that will help you to find hidden gems in tech, health or whatever industry you want to work in.